Around the house 3


At level 3, young people should be learning more skills around the house, including cleaning and laundry. Daily/weekly set tasks can help. Here are some checklists that you might find helpful:

Teach young people what different cleaning supplies are intended for, and how to use each of them. Also, let young people help with some basic DIY such as changing lightbulbs, assembling flat-pack furniture, painting a wall.


Teenagers need to be developing their skills in the kitchen – learning to cook new meals, and practicing good kitchen hygiene. There are lots of recipe resources online, including “Tasty” which also has a phone app and social media accounts for ease of access. They are video-based so good for visual learners.

Encourage young people to choose a recipe for a family meal and take the lead in preparing it.

Safety at home

Young people can learn about electrical safety at Switched on Kids.