Chapter Overviews
What is Child Abuse?
- Types of abuse
- Positions of trust
Safeguarding Policies and Procedures
The Polaris suite of policies and procedures that cover:
- Safeguarding Policy, Safeguarding Children Procedure
- Child exploitation and trafficking
- Female genital mutilation, forced marriage and honour-based abuse
- Radicalisation and extemism
- Children missing from care
- Online safety
- Bullying, peer on peer abuse
DBS Checks
- The reason for DBS checks
- Procedures for initial DBS, review and duty to refer
Risk Assessment and Safer Care Plans
ISP’s suite of risk assessments to cover:
- Individual risks to children and young people
- Safer care
- Household health and safety
- Dogs and other pets
- Contact
- Activities and holidays
Significant Events and Emergencies
- Types of significant events
- Responding to emergencies
- Recording and reporting requirements
Complaints, Allegations and Whistleblowing
- Policies and procedures
- Standards of Care
- Independent Review Mechanism (IRM)
- Conflicts of interest