Chapter Contents
A Network Approach
At ISP we are committed to a multi-disciplinary team approach. At all times, you can expect the support of your local ISP team, including the Registered Manager, your Supervising Social Worker and your Fostering Advisor. Our Out-of-Hours service is also available to support you with advice and crisis support when you need it, as well as our local therapists. Building positive relationships, raising children’s self-esteem and resolving problems should be a regular topic at supervision meetings.
PRICE Training
Our PRICE programme promotes a therapeutic response to challenging behaviour. This means recognising that all behaviour has a purpose – and that purpose is to get our needs met.
The course helps carers develop skills in:
- reflective listening
- effective modelling
- verbal and non-verbal de-escalation
Using these skills will help young people to learn more socially acceptable ways of getting their needs met. You will also learn about the many factors that affect behaviour, including previous experiences, mood and environmental factors such as noise and temperature.
Read about our training offer in Part 1 of the Foster Parent Handbook.
Complete the mandatory training course: PRICE (Protecting Rights in a Caring Environment
Therapeutic Pathway Training
Our therapeutic training starts from the moment a family applies to foster, and provides ongoing support with the therapeutic fostering task. It is central to our trauma-informed practice.
Find out more about the pathway here.